z2z - zone-to-zone
BL - Balance Level
PR - Power Range
GPR - Ghost Power Range
GPR-e - GPR extension
IB - Inside Bar (used to be IP for inside pair before 7/31/2024)
TO - Takeout
PA - Price Action
Ap/Bp - A-period/B-period
BeZ - Bear Zone
BuZ - Bull Zone
AG9 Rot/RT - AG9 Strategy Rotation
AG9 Rel/RL - AG9 Strategy Reload
AGR - Adult Grail Range
RS - Retail Space, formally known as property, formally known as AGR Pyramid
EF - Energy Flow (using Wholesale emotional triggers for position trading)
SS - Supply Sweep (measuring EF strategy target. Ex. = SS+1 - SL would be SS-1)
SSr - Supply Sweep rotation/reversal (for measuring EF strategy target. Ex. = SSr+1)